Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Term 3 classroom work

This is our term for studying when humans came to earth. In the junior class there is a focus on social geography and history this term. The senior class is developing their research skills while they learn about ancient civilisations.
We are also joining with the rest of the school creating art for our art exhibition which is to be held September 9th-10th.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Term 2 classroom work

Our term theme is the 'coming of life.' Room 15 are learning about the eariliest life forms and Room 14 are learning about ecology with a focus on ecosystems and pollution.

Our practical life activities will include pickling olives from our olive tree at school, making pizzas and healthy lunches.

In art we will be working on collage and weaving, creating art works for our art exhibition in term 3.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Get going with computer keyboard skills

Wanting to practice your keyboard skills? Try these games at www.freetypinggame.net

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sarah and Kate are making a scarecrow for the competition at Environemental Green Day

Room 14 students are making garden critters for Environmental Green Day